
Comments (23)

What do you think?

This is pretty awesome and challenging! It's very fun haha, and I like the additions of achievements and minigames, I still have to check everything out!

this game is aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesame

Nice and underrated

Nice, but maybe you should make more attacks for monsters

i like the fact it says my first and last name

A undertale fangame with fanmade fight against undertale characters and the whole undertale story. #platformer #shooter #textadventure

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Hey hey everyone. Since I am trying to make this new version as good as it can be, I have added a way to kill every single enemy and things will change if you do.

Hope you like it and I am ready for some nice Critisism.

Stay tuned.

Toriel Fight | InMyHEART Remastered (Genocide)
In this new Version there is a Genocide mode, in which you can kill everyone if you wish. Curious ;)?Currently only the primative version is out which you ca...

Hey hey, my friends. =)

Since I am taking my time to polish InMyHEART to every bit, the development is taking longer than expected. That's why I am thinking about giving you a demo to play in the meantime. Do you want a demo with restricted areas?

  9 votes Voting finished

Heya guys.

I though it might be time to show you how the new version looks so far. I have recorded a video of the Toriel Fight.

I think it turned out fine. And sorry for the poor quality. 😅

Toriel Fight | InMyHEART Remastered
Over the last year I improved my game making skills and decided to remaster my until this point favorite project InMyHEART from scratch. But as you can see b...

I've set up a Discord Sever with @theangel654.

The devlogs on gamejolt will still come, but if you want more frequent info and maybe a part in development, I would suggest you join. You may also show what you make on the Server. =)

Hey Hey. Later this day I will upload a new devlog announcing something you might be exited about. Let me just say, you can stay upto date with development easier and give ideas you have for the final release. It's coming later today. Stay tuned. =)

Heya guys. I noticed since I am making this new Version from scratch, there will be some problems with the files. So if you want to reliably copy your progress over to the new version you should download the newest version that corrects all of that. =)

It's been a while since I stopped working on the game and I got better at programming. So I decided that there will be a HUGE update to the game that will bring in some major changes. But I guess you have to wait and see. Follow the game for news. Thx ; )

Heya, I have updated the game again ^^

Update info: 4.3.0

- Skipable dialog

- Napstablook pronouns: they/them

I am so happy y'all having so much fun with the game. It means a lot to me :)


So as it seems, Mad Mew Mew didn't work correctly because a specific file didn't load. I fixed that problem and it should work without any problems now. If you encounter any problems anyway, please write it in the comments and I will try to solve them. ^^


Heya guys, the game got updated

Update info: 4.2.9

-Added Mad Mew Mew fight

-Added Enemy animations

-Added Hitbox represenation (H)

-Bug fixes

Hope you enjoy the new features^^